Definition of horde...
a large group, multitude, number, etc.;
The process of collecting grocery bags...
1.Go shopping
3.Purchase items
4.Acquire carrying device to carry items home
5.Travel home put items away
6.Decide what to do with carrying device
The carrying device in this case is usually the "plastic grocery bag".
When do you keep the "plastic grocery bag"?
Roommate Mickey said, "Only when there is no holes in the bag, when there are holes in the bag we throw them away."
What do you do with said bag?
Mother-Keep them with no conditions and store them in homemade pig bag. What is a homemade pig bag you might ask, well it's a doll with a dress attached to it that has elastic around the bottom to store plastic bags in. Could give some kids nightmares...maybe?!
Mother Cut plastic bags into strips and knit (and she did!)
Father Use them as trash liners, "you save money that way, you know, eh."
Ikea Don't throw them away, but place them in the Rationell Variera Plastic bag dispenser
Roommate Dana said,"Smith's recycles those, take them to Smiths!"
Gorilla in the Greenhouse Came up with 10 creative ways to use said bags.
1. Throw away
3. Plastic companies stop making plastic bags to force people to reuse their previous bags.
*Problems with idea #3
1.OCD people who are germaphobes who don't want to reuse, could this really be a problem?
2.It could put a lot of people out of work.
3.People are lazy. "That means I had to bring my bag back, I threw it away." said the customer to the cashier.
4. Too much money involved and way too much time to try to legislatively convince others that the plastic bag I receive at the grocery store might not necessarily be the best for the environment.
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