Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Entry 5: Fortunes

To set aside...

This might be one of my greatest downfalls, I get some sort of paper product (mainly) and then set it to the side and collect it instead of throwing it away. Sometimes there is reason for it, I liked the saying written on it or I didn't have time to throw it away. There was valuable information to my identity I didn't want shared with anyone else...this is one of the reasons why I struggle with throwing receipts away. There are countless reasons to which I cannot name them all at this moment in time and plus you might find them extremely boring.

One of the many paper products that are strewn every where in my life are the fortunes from fortune cookies.


So, I admit now that I like Chinese food. The one thing I look forward to the most is the fortune cookie. Traditionally the fortune cookie is eaten last, well I like to eat my dessert first. It's weird because I have developed this habit when I eat fortune cookies. As well, I wait until I eat the entire cookie before I read the fortune. Some where placed in my vast past I came across the idea that if you didn't eat your whole fortune cookie before you read the fortune the fortune would not come true.

What am I looking for? The fortune cookie fortune to predict the future events in my life? Oh, you don't understand how much clout I give to that little fortune. You think a little piece of paper found in a cookie would mean that much to me but for some reason it does in my life. I do believe in God, yes, but I do believe in a fortune cookie fortune as well. Do that mean I'm blasphemous, maybe? Do I disbelieve in the fortune cookie god when it doesn't come to pass, meh, no. Life goes on and it was a fun little thought for half a second. But the idea that maybe God inspired a man to write down a saying and then that saying was randomly placed in a cookie that made it in my bag of food. But was it random? That is an interesting question for a different blog. Deep thoughts with fortune cookies?!

Where do these little fortunes come from, any way? I never thought about it, but for some odd reason they are all over my desk. A sad realization that I go to Panda Express way too much for my liking and for my size 4 pant size. All I have to say for those watching your weight, proportions, it does wonders! I have to admit that Chinese food and Wendy's Spicy Chicken nuggets are the down fall of my diet. I find myself off topic...

Where the "Fortune Cookie" came from...click here...thus says Wikipedia
Top three Fortune Cookie Manufactures says Wikipedia
  1. Wonton Food Inc.
  2. Peking Noodle
  3. Tsue Chong Co 
Oh, and I won't go off about the games you can play with fortunes...food for thought...

After this fine little blog these little sweet messages will be trashed! One piece of trash a day! I can do this!

Stories behind the fortunes...
1.You will soon make a change at work-I read that right before they decided to hire me on full time again at Metalmart.
2.A surprise treat awaits you-Can't remember to be honest, but I think some kind vender brought cookies to work that day!
3.A much needed vacation will bring a great deal of enjoyment-My dad told me that Sunday that he wanted to take me on a cruise for my birthday.
4.Don't be hasty, prosperity will soon knock on your door-I'm still looking for this one. I'm still on the "Don't be hasty" part of the fortune!
5.Sail into the land or opportunity-treasure awaits-I've started to look into the many options the internet has of becoming prosperous.
6.You will be the guest of a gracious host-This I feel has not yet taken place.
7. You will soon find more adventure in life-I think I got this fortune right before I started speed skating!